Prayers From a Spiritual Part (Inspired by IFS Therapy)
It is not completely true when we say, “This is me. Take it or leave it!”
It is not the complete truth because we are not one… It is not true not only because it assumes permanency but also it is blind to multiplicity of our nature as living beings.
How can you be one when you have so many internal conflicts? How can you be one when a part of you wants to stay at home to watch TV while another part of you is continually telling you that you are falling behind in life and you should stop watching TV and do something more productive?
How can you be one when a part of you loves a certain individual while another part wants nothing to do with them? How can you be one when a part of you wants to sleep in while another part wants to get up early to watch the sunrise?
We are not one! We are multiple and this means that we have so many different parts in our internal family systems.
We have parts that are afraid and scared.
We have parts that are trying to protect us from feeling afraid and scared.
We have anxious parts, we have parts that are confident.
We have parts that do not feel safe in this world.
We have parts that are overwhelmed by the parts that are anxious…
We have numerous parts…
As I have been exploring my parts, I noticed that I have a part that likes to pray, meditate and engage in spiritual activities and this part is liked to be called as my “Spiritual part.”
And here is a prayer and a wish I heard this part of me says for parts, within and without.
Prayers From a Spiritual Part
May all parts be led by Self-Energy.
May all parts learn how to trust Self.
With the help of Self, may all parts work in harmony with one another.
May all parts feel safe enough to become more of who they are instead of who they had to be to survive and take care of our internal systems.
May all exiles be liberated from the darkness of the freezing cold dungeons of pain, shame, fear, hurt, sadness, loneliness and isolation.
May no part have to work extremely hard to protect us.
May all parts know that it is okay to let go of extreme roles when the danger is over.
May parts never lose themselves in their well intentioned extreme roles.
May every part know that no role, no responsibility and no burden has to be permanent.
May all parts know that Self is always available to cradle them in its loving kindness, compassion and warmth.
May every part feel heard, understood, respected and welcomed in our internal family systems.
May no part ever be separated from Self.
May all parts know that it is OK to let go of responsibilities that are burdensome.
May every part know that changing does not mean disappearing.
May every part feel showered by these wishes and prayers.
Celal Aydemir, MA, LPC
Not: I have a part that loves to pray and it treats Self as its version of God. This prayers are coming from the part of me that loves praying and I love how pure this part of me is and how much self-like qualities it has.